Module ROT.TextDisplay
Visual Display.
A UTF-8 based text display.
init ([w=80[, h=24[, font[, size=10[, dfg[, dbg[, fullOrFlags=false[, vsync=false[, fsaa=0]]]]]]]]]) | Constructor. |
contains (x, y) | Contains point. |
getCharacter (x, y) | Get a character. |
getBackgroundColor (x, y) | Get a background color. |
getForegroundColor (x, y) | Get a foreground color. |
setDefaultBackgroundColor (c) | Set Default Background Color. |
setDefaultForegroundColor (c) | Set Defaul Foreground Color. |
clear ([c=' '[, x=1[, y=1[, w[, h[, fg[, bg]]]]]]]) | Clear the screen. |
clearCanvas () | Clear canvas. |
write (s[, x=1[, y=1[, fg[, bg]]]]) | Write. |
writeCenter (s[, y=1[, fg[, bg]]]) | Write Center. |
drawText (x, y, text, maxWidth) | Draw text. |
- init ([w=80[, h=24[, font[, size=10[, dfg[, dbg[, fullOrFlags=false[, vsync=false[, fsaa=0]]]]]]]]])
The display constructor. Called when ROT.TextDisplay:new() is called.
- w int Width of display in number of characters (default 80)
- h int Height of display in number of characters (default 24)
- font string, file or data Any valid object accepted by (optional)
- size int font size (default 10)
- dfg table Default foreground color as a table defined as {r,g,b,a} (optional)
- dbg table Default background color (optional)
- fullOrFlags boolean In Love 0.8.0: Use fullscreen In Love 0.9.0: a table defined for (default false)
- vsync boolean Use vsync (default false)
- fsaa int Number of fsaa passes (default 0)
- contains (x, y)
Contains point.
Returns true if point x,y can be drawn to display.
- x
- y
- getCharacter (x, y)
Get a character.
returns the character being displayed at position x, y
- x int The x-position of the character
- y int The y-position of the character
The character
- getBackgroundColor (x, y)
Get a background color.
returns the current background color of the character written to position x, y
- x int The x-position of the character
- y int The y-position of the character
The background color as a table defined as {r,g,b,a}
- getForegroundColor (x, y)
Get a foreground color.
returns the current foreground color of the character written to position x, y
- x int The x-position of the character
- y int The y-position of the character
The foreground color as a table defined as {r,g,b,a}
- setDefaultBackgroundColor (c)
Set Default Background Color.
Sets the background color to be used when it is not provided
- c table The background color as a table defined as {r,g,b,a}
- setDefaultForegroundColor (c)
Set Defaul Foreground Color.
Sets the foreground color to be used when it is not provided
- c table The foreground color as a table defined as {r,g,b,a}
- clear ([c=' '[, x=1[, y=1[, w[, h[, fg[, bg]]]]]]])
Clear the screen.
By default wipes the screen to the default background color.
You can provide a character, x-position, y-position, width, height, fore-color and back-color
and write the same character to a portion of the screen
- c string A character to write to the screen - may fail for strings with a length > 1 (default ' ')
- x int The x-position from which to begin the wipe (default 1)
- y int The y-position from which to begin the wipe (default 1)
- w int The number of chars to wipe in the x direction (optional)
- h int Then number of chars to wipe in the y direction (optional)
- fg table The color used to write the provided character (optional)
- bg table the color used to fill in the background of the cleared space (optional)
- clearCanvas ()
- Clear canvas. runs the clear method of the Love2D canvas object being used to write to the screen
- write (s[, x=1[, y=1[, fg[, bg]]]])
Writes a string to the screen
- writeCenter (s[, y=1[, fg[, bg]]])
Write Center.
write a string centered on the middle of the screen
- drawText (x, y, text, maxWidth)
Draw text.
Draws a text at given position. Optionally wraps at a maximum length.
- x number
- y number
- text string May contain color/background format specifiers, %c{name}/%b{name}, both optional. %c{}/%b{} resets to default.
- maxWidth number wrap at what width (optional)?
lines drawn